
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Feedback: MDI Session Part 2. - Cracking The Millionaire Code

Hi to ALL 'Cracking The Millionaire Code' Participants

I will try to confirm our next MDI meeting for next Friday 19th : 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. ASAP. Keep as provisional in your diaries.

Again, we must convey our heartfelt special thanks to The PALAZZO General Manager Mark Sawkins, Deputy General Manager: Roger Petyt, Banqueting Co-ordinator Debra Geddes - Tel: (011) 510-3000 - for continuing support, privilege and provision of a SUPERB venue & service.

From the closing comments conveying the feelings of all in the room - 'Energy, Passion, Chaos, Disruptive Innovation... BLIKSEM (or something like that from Pieter... ;-) - I'm left believing that we're exploring the process of producing 'Bottled Lightning'. Now there's a Million Dollar Idea (MDI) just waiting to happen.

This email contains important homework for you... to get back to me ASAP.

Highlight of the afternoon was the pop-in visit by Mark Sawkins - G.M. The PALAZZO - who conveyed exactly how the 'Give to Give' philosophy creates an upward spiral of abundance that literally spawns unlimited opportunity for everyone touched by it. We were left in no doubt as to the enormous emotional value of GRATITUDE & TESTIMONIALS at both Staff and Corporate Executive level at Southern Sun.

See Attached: Ivan's MDI mind Map

Following this email, I will send a 2.5 meg attachment of a complimentary draft word.doc copy of 'Confessions of a SERIAL Entrepreneur' and some intro pdf's to show layout plus two further ebooks - DifferenceMaker & GetWealthy - to give you an idea of the diverse range of content and thinking that we can deliver. (Celeste, the 17 Strategic Marketing Questions are in there somewhere - find them... ;-)

Please remember that these MDI sessions were inspired by Ivan Andersen introducing me to 'Cracking The Millionaire Code' and I recommend that you get hold of a copy of the book, register onto the website - and complete the H.O.T.S. (Hare, Owl, Turtle, Squirrel) Survey on and let me know what your profile is. Very important for us to consider when putting teams together.

For your information, 36 people currently receive this email currently (responding from the original 63 invited from our last INNER Circle at The PALAZZO meeting and some extras from random links that I included in later meeting notifications to appeal to the curious). Of those 36, below is the list of MDI Part.1 & 2 attendees who I believe have truly caught onto the energy and passion that exudes from these sessions, and who are ready to move on to the next phase of dividing up into MDI project teams to begin the process of 'MILLIONDOLLARISING' their projects.

Your task from the list of attendees and MDI projects discussed below is to provide me with two lists of your top three people that you would like to work with (exclude Ivan and I as we will be overseeing all projects initially) and your top three projects that you would like to work on. MDI concept owners should select the top 3 projects other than their own (we will assume that your own project will be your ultimate passion anyway). Your lists will be kept CONFIDENTIAL, so you won't be putting anyone's nose out of joint. Number your lists 1, 2, 3, in order of first preference to third preference.

Names of Part 1 & 2 Attendees: You are welcome to contact each other from this list:

Teresa Barber - HARE
Chris Porter - Drug Awareness Software & Movie Production Investment - HARE
Susan Williams - Business Storytelling - HARE
John Reilly - Interior Design Consultants - HARE
Johan Cronje - Executive Team Coach & Software
Hugo Snyman - Financial Fund Management Procurement - HARE
Kevin Foot - Business Broker - TURTLE
Carmen Schnider-Kemp - Parenting Skills Website - HARE
Brian Carter - Financial Services - TURTLE
Celeste Beukes - Health, Fitness & Wellness - HARE
Benita Vermeulen - Profit Recovery - HARE
Martin Wittstock - Business Index - HARE
Ian Wright - Ozone Products & Services - HARE/OWL
Pieter Beukes - Building & Construction - HARE
Cheryl Richter - Success Motivation - TURTLE
Ira Halpern - Events/Promotions
Mike Lacey-Smith - Clinical Psychologist
Raymond Bilson - Import Specialist
Ivan Andersen - - Business Support Software Development - HARE/TURTLE
Trevor Nel - Business Development Strategist / Developer: INNER Circle - HARE

You will note that we are dangerously short of Turtles, Owls and Squirrels - Hares breed like rabbits in this environment... ;-)

Carmen asked to get a photo and profile of everyone on the above list - here's an easy way to do it - go and register your profile and upload your photo to and you will appear automatically on my Outlook list of contacts and vice versa. Then go and register on and you can reach my PC to chat for zero cost... and see when I am online. My skype ID is: trevornel .

MDI Projects Discussed:

Reilly Inc. - NLP-oriented Design Consultants National/International
Divine Parents - Online Website for Parents
Drug Awareness Film and DVD
SA Business Index
The PALAZZO CSI Initiative
Community100Empowered - Economic Hubs
Third Circle - Money Personality Profiling
The Community Value Bundle Project (inc.GlamSlam Experiential Event Marketing)
The Ultimate Information Business

Murdoch & mdiVentures is deliberately not included on this list for selection purposes as both are expected to naturally spin-off from the projects above.

I suspect that we will probably begin working on 3 to 5 of the above projects initially. That is not to demean those MDI's not initially selected for focus. It will just mean that THIS group is going with their collective GUT on where they believe their passion lies to drive for quickest emotional and/or financial return on their interest and effort. Another group may well select differently. However every MDI concept-owner will be able to apply the generic processes to be brainstormed at our next session (see below) to tweak their own project for mass-interest. Regardless of which projects are selected, Ivan and I will be providing overseeing guidance for ALL MDI projects (whether selected by this group or not) to move them from idea to reality in the concept owners hands. So don't panic and don't feel left out.

Our next meeting will see our provisional allocation of project teams (to see how they gel) and we will be focusing on 3 methodologies - my Vending Machine analogy (see Confessions Ch. 4), 'Cracking The Millionaire Code's PRISM Profit Patterns and WOW (Wheel of Wealth) 21 point MDI project brainstormers.

Anytime that you want to record your ongoing feelings in writing for this exploratory process, please do so, it helps us tremendously to know how people are genuinely affected by this experience - good or bad - something new that you have learnt - an 'aha' moment - from the heart. We will continuously ask as your feelings and learning experience should be changing continuously from each new meeting experience that you have... please share them.

And hey... let's all ensure that we're having some FUN in the process... :-)


Trevor Nel - 011 - 705-2790
Can YOU do with MORE Business..?
Visit our website: INNER Circle Business Forum
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