Hi to ALL 'Cracking The Millionaire Code' Participants
From yesterday's workshop session input from everybody, I was left with no doubt that The PALAZZO makes one feel like 'a million dollars'... from the 'million dollar' shoeshine experienced by Hugo... to the 'million dollar' tea/coffee service offered to our attendees... delivered with consistent 'million dollar' smiles from The PALAZZO staff.
Hmmm... The PALAZZO - Makes YOU Feel Like A Million Dollars - is there the beginnings of a slogan or byline or CSR/marketing campaign in there somewhere that we can use to uplift an entire community..?
Again, we must convey our heartfelt special thanks to The PALAZZO General Manager
Mark Sawkins, Deputy General Manager:
Roger Petyt, Banqueting Co-ordinator
Debra Geddes - Tel: (011) 510-3000 - for continuing support, privilege and provision of a SUPERB venue & service.
Let's review our prototype process so far...
i. ..we began with a 2-hour getting-to-know each other 'Cracking The Millionaire Code' session in The PALAZZO Penthouse Suite - we held two of these sessions for differing groups an a Friday at 10 a.m. to 12 Noon & 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
ii. ..the next week we moved on to a Saturday Morning 4-hour Million Dollar Idea (MDI) session in The PALAZZO's Boardroom where we got through 5 MDI's
iii. ..followed up the next week with a second 4-hour MDI session (Friday afternoon) in u-shaped workshop format in The Costello Room where we worked through another 5 MDI's
iv. ..and yesterday (Friday afternoon) completed another 4-hour session in round-table layout in The Costello Room where we workshopped ideas for The PALAZZO CSR/CSI strategy and related MDI's.
My personal favourite session was the Saturday Morning in The Boardroom - it felt closest to the serious business decision-making environment that I envisage for driving quality MDI's. Would like your thoughts on your favourite session.
From the above, it seems to me that with some quality fine-tuning of the MDI delivery-structure we could move through the process in a two-day seminar/workshop format (gives us a 2 X 6-hour working days format).
Yesterday began with a rapid-fire scratching-the-surface overview of just a few of the pertinent extracts from 'Cracking The Millionaire Code' and 'Confessions of a SERIAL Entrepreneur'. Clearly those who read the two publications will gain much deeper insight and meaning behind some of the core concepts we touched upon, namely:
1. The enLIGHTENed Principle (from Cracking The Millionaire Code):
L - Loverage - sharing your love of abundance with others - promulgating the concept of giving to give business endeavours
I - Inner Wealth - converting your intangible inner gifts, passion, skills, talents to tangible outer wealth
G - Giving - base your business on giving, fair play, honest, sharing principles - give to others, your family, yourself.
H - Higher Power - consider the DIVINE possibility that you are not 'alone' in your life journey - a universe of abundance
T - Trustee - consider that money may be attracted to those stewards that can be trusted to make a difference in society
I must acknowledge Ivan Andersen's presentation of Johnny The Bagger. Anyone who thought that the LOVERAGE behind an enlightened MDI doesn't come at an enormous emotional price had that thought completely erased by Ivan's emotion-charged input. Enlightened MDI's require your 100% heart and soul commitment... nothing less! Voluntarily chairing a multi-million rand school development for the mentally-challenged is LOVERAGE of the highest order. We salute you, Ivan.
That's the quality of JV partner I like to be involved with.
Do you know anyone else like Ivan that we can grow quality MDI's with.. ?.. ;-)
2. The 4 Key Cracking The Millionaire Codes (from Cracking The Millionaire Code):
The Destiny Code - Dicovering where your gut, passion, enjoyment, pleasure tells you your life's work should be played out
The Prism Code - Creating your vehicle to achieving multiple streams of wealth
The Angel Code - The team of people that will help you achieve your dreams
The Star Code - Your STAR customers who purchase your product/service and spread the word
3. Millionaire Code PRISM Patterns (from Cracking The Millionaire Code):
P - Primary Products
R - Related Products
I - Information Products - Data information, Direction signage, Consulting, How to systems
S - Services - Manufacturing, Design, Distribution, Marketing, Sales, Protection, Enhancement, Humor, Advertising, etc. M - Media - Entertainment, Experience, Hobby, Toys and games, Associations, Business opportunity, Personal endorsement
4. Questions To Ask To Find My Destiny Code (from Cracking The Millionaire Code):
Passion - What do I love to do?
Talent - What am I good at?
Values - What is important to me?
Destiny - What was I born to do?
5. 21 Wheel of Wealth WOW Factors (from Cracking The Millionaire Code):
see -
http://www.crackingthemillionairecode.com/promises/BusinessWoWingForm.pdfMoving on to the workshop session, we broke into 3 round-table groups after viewing the SIMPLE essence of concepts such as the Johnny The Bagger story and its compilation into an Information Product and Seminar commanding $1000 per head, and the Tingler, which generated $10 Million in sales for two committed women entrepreneurs.
Ivan and I also shared how we had gained from the collective input and interest to see the morphing of Murdoch Inc. into the new mdiVENTURES, leading to the development of the mdiACCELERATOR business collaboration tool.
Again, in preparation for the workshop, we reviewed at warp-speed the concepts of:
6. 'Rewinding The Movie' (from Confessions of a SERIAL Entrepreneur):
- End - describe the end result of the project in visual terms, what revenue was generated, what residual revenue is sustained
- Middle
- Beginning
7. Projecting the 3 Key Indicators for the Project (from Confessions of a SERIAL Entrepreneur):
- Revenue
- Costs
- Profits
8. MBC - WIIFM (from Confessions of a SERIAL Entrepreneur):
- Me - What's In It For Me
- Business
- Consumer
Here's a question related to this little exercise: What was the WIIFM reason for me to give away a R390 to R440 (retail selling price) Moneyskills game as reward for the great input from everybody?
Simple. Not only was it an exercise in giving without expecting anything in return... it also serves as a reminder that I have over 2000 of these excellent games in stock for sale as Christmas Stocking fillers at R50 cash per unit. You can keep R20 (40% comm.) per unit... and I'd like to move them as quickly as possible. If it stimulates some ideas for moving them, every 100 units is R2000 to you, 2000 units is R40 000 to you, let me know... :-)
9. The Vending Machine Process (from Confessions of a SERIAL Entrepreneur)
10. The 1-Page Script (from Confessions of a SERIAL Entrepreneur):
- Vision
- Aim
- Objectives
- Targets
11. Working to SMART Objectives (from Confessions of a SERIAL Entrepreneur):
- Specific
- Measurable
- Achievable
- Realistic
- Time
Then it was onto the 3 round-table group brainstorms on what The PALAZZO CSR/CSI initiative could look like in the coming year.
I heard some great ideas coming from each table which Ivan noted onto a mind map (to follow). Table 1 had me thinking of 'million-dollar' reality-show concepts (stimulated the million-dollar shoe shine thought). Table 2. touched on the concept of hosting media personalities and media production houses (bringing in promotional resources) and stimulated the 'Million-Dollar GOLF Tournament' alternative idea - maybe it is a VIRTUAL Golf tournament. Table 3. came up with a self-sustaining hydroponic vegetable-growing village concept for local communities - had me thinking of EPCOT Centre at DisneyWorld and earthworm farms on Carte Blanche last week.
Most importanly, I heard a commonality of threads which make The PALAZZO central to many of the MDI's presented at our prior meetings. The PALAZZO CSR/CSI initiative has the potential to be linked to the Community 100 Empowered project (Economic Hub development LSM 1 to 4's) and the Consumer Value Bundle prototype concept (Local Retailers & LSM 10 Consumers)... all of which can be further linked to The Ultimate Information Business concept, the SA Business Index, The Money Profiler, etc.
Bearing in mind the MBC - WIIFM thinking, we need to be aware that The PALAZZO CSR/CSI project will be of great personal, emotional, achievement-oriented, group-learning, philanthropic value - community upliftment - to those who get their teeth into it. The other MDI's have financial reward benefits thrown in. And given that most honestly aspire to building multiple income-streams, it is important to make an honest assessment of which projects can generate revenue and what you'd like to see flowing in for your contribution to such project.
As with the mdiACCELERATOR that Ivan and I have developed to demonstrate zero-downside risk (if we cannot demonstrate upside we make nothing) to any business owner's project that we engage in, with a fixed formula to participate in the upside, so you need to begin assessing what YOU will be worth to any of the above projects that take your fancy and what return you'd like to receive for your input. For some it will be financial, for others it will be learning and personal growth, for some an experiment in philanthropy, and for some a combination of all three. Every person is unique and you will need to tell me what will get your juices flowing to be in this game.
I'll need you to think in terms of the contribution that you believe you can make to revenue and/or bottom-line profit and the specific financial return (in Rand value) that you like to receive for what you do.
Given that we hope to be opening up projects to working in teams of 5 people per project (excluding Ivan and myself), you need to give thought to the following as well:
12. Forming project Teams (from Confessions of a SERIAL Entrepreneur):
- WHY we should be working together - identifying team capabilities, resources, skills
- WHAT we'll be doing together - defining team objectives, success criteria & required outcomes
- WHO will be doing what - establishing deliverables, accountabilities, rewards & consequences
- HOW we will work together - defining team groundrules
Just as Ivan and I have to 'motivate' the G.M. of the PALAZZO to allow us to be a significant driver of their CSR/CSI objectives for next year, so I need you to 'motivate' Ivan and I on the reason/s why YOU should be one of the five to be selected to participate in the project/s that appeal to you. Again, after yesterday, give me an update indication of the project/s that really excite you.
From your input we will dividing into WORKING teams and focusing on bringing individual projects to life.
It's time to get the rubber hitting the road.
Your further feedback and input will be appreciated.
My thanks for the fantastic feedback extract from one of you below (kept confidential until I get permission to supply name):
Hi Trevor:
Subject: Yes, I Am Inspired: 'I admit to having only read 70 pages of your “Confessions of a Serial Entrepreneur” – but, I am v-e-r-y impressed! I am looking forward to the next 70-odd pages! You’re clearly someone who has not only read the best books on business, marketing, etc – but knows how to implement this information!'
'I have business ideas popping into my mind all of the time/I’m continually thinking of business ideas/I drive my friends crazy by continually turning the conversation into some or other money-making idea.' 'It has been an inspiration to attend the MDI sessions – I’ve learnt a tremendous amount – not only from the presentations themselves, but by the questions you’ve been asking. I know these are what I have to ask iro my business ideas.' 'Thanks for doing what you’re doing!'Yesterday's attendees:
Teresa Barber - HARE
Chris Porter - Drug Awareness Software & Movie Production Investment - HARE
Susan Williams - Business Storytelling - HARE
John Reilly - Interior Design Consultants - HARE
Johan Cronje - Executive Team Coach & Software
Hugo Snyman - Financial Fund Management Procurement - HARE
Kevin Foot - Business Broker - TURTLE
Carmen Schnider-Kemp - Parenting Skills Website - HARE
Brian Carter - Financial Services - TURTLE
Celeste Beukes - Health, Fitness & Wellness - HARE
Benita Vermeulen - Profit Recovery - HARE
Martin Wittstock - Business Index - HARE
Ian Wright - Ozone Products & Services - HARE/OWL
Pieter Beukes - Building & Construction - HARE
Cheryl Richter - Success Motivation - TURTLE
Ira Halpern - Events/Promotions
Mike Lacey-Smith - Clinical Psychologist
Raymond Bilson - Import Specialist - HARE
Ivan Andersen - - Business Support Software Development - HARE/TURTLE
Trevor Nel - Business Development Strategist / Developer: INNER Circle - HARE
Trevor Nel - 011 - 705-2790
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