
Thursday, June 5, 2008

MDI Delegates Find Dewitt Jones - Celebrating LIFE

Special thanks to Stef de Bruin for introduction to the Dewitt Jones video: Celebrate What's Right With The World

- Dewitt underscored the importance of being OPEN to possibilities that exist all around us, almost all the time.
- Dewitt's 'dandelion' moment demonstrated the importance of taking quiet time to look at things from a fresh perspective ('believing is seeing').
- Said Dewitt: 'As a photographer I pray for CHANGE'.
- He talked of being open to ways to 'Accelerate the Possibility Curve'.
- That moving from good frame to GREAT frame is a miniscule step.
- Ivan Andersen showed how most of us miss the 'gorilla' (opportunity et al) right in front of our noses.

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